The ACF selection committee has finished reviewing the 325 submissions from composers throughout the world and have made their final selections. Thanks to everyone who submitted their music as the quality of the works was extremely high!
In the Wind Ensemble category the following composers will have their works performed on Concert VI, November 8, 7:30 PM: Joseph Eidson Justin Freer Joshua Hummel In the Chamber Ensemble category the following composers will have their works performed on either Concert III, November 7, 12:00 PM or Concert IV, November 7, 7:30 PM: Michael Foumai Ethan Greene Lonnie Hevia Gregory Hutter Ingrid Stoltzel Although the decisions of the committee are final, these selections are subject to change based on extenuating circumstances. Selections in the electroacoustic category are currently being finalized and will be announced in the very near future.
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ACF 2018The Aries Composers Festival is a national new music festival sponsored by the Colorado State University School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Concerts, presentations, and more will be held this February, 2018. Archives
October 2017